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My Journey

Let me tell you about my journey so you know exactly who you’ll be working with. First and foremost, I am a wife, a mother, a grandmother, and a devoted friend. I started my journey in the holistic health and wellness world 10 plus years ago. At the time it was just a way to better my health, as well as my family’s. Just before hitting the Big '50', I was experiencing complications with my health, including but not limited to early menopause, hyperthyroidism which has since turned into hypo, the "C" word and symptoms no doctor could explain, which ended up being co-infections from Lyme and they were dragging me down in my daily life. I decided to take the reins into my own hands and really discovered the benefits of holistic medicine and healing. After all, everything in nature is truly connected in the end. 

As I began to learn about holistic approaches, adding natural supplements into my diet, changing my lifestyle, my whole mindset, and view of the world, changed as well. Soon after the start of my journey, my father passed away from COPD and Lung Cancer, that was when I decided to devote my life to the field of natural medicine. With taking my health into my own hands and seeing my dad go thru what he did, he became my “why”, my reason for becoming a Holistic Healer. I wanted to be able to share the knowledge I have learned to help others in a way that I know works. I believe in the power of homeopathic medicine, and our own natural healing abilities, because I’ve experienced it and I've seen it. I know everyone’s body is different, everyone’s process will change, and we all have a story. My goal is to teach you about yourself and your body as well as show you how these homeopathic healing methods and natural supplements truly work. I want to make sure your journey is about you.

To define myself through my work, in a nutshell, I would say I’m a Drugless Holistic Practitioner,  an Energy Healer, Usui Reiki Master, a Cannabis Educator, a Behavioral Therapist, and I have my Doctorate in Ministries. That’s not where my work ends. I combine holistic, natural, alternative, and complementary methods for an overall healthier and happier lifestyle. I look to help you unite every part of your being from body, mind, and spirit, so that you may achieve maximum potential. I believe that for a person to realize their full potential they need to integrate a balance of physical, mental & spiritual aspects of the self within their physical being. That is what I want to help you find. 

That is what we can accomplish, together.

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